End Of Year To-Do's For Company Payroll 2020 | Business Podcast | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件


Dee Gray Talks Payroll | unsuitable on Rea Radio | Ohio CPA Firm

Meet Dee

Dee Gray, CPP, 是雷亚新费城办事处的客户服务专员和工资服务经理. In addition to being an expert in the area of payroll and payroll taxes, Dee以副主席的身份参与美国薪资协会名人堂分会,并以董事会成员的身份参与俄亥俄州薪资专业人员会议,以维护当前的标准和最佳实践.

迪·格雷|薪资准备2020 |俄亥俄商业播客

How COVID-19 Has Impacted Your Year-End Payroll Responsibilities

对包括经济在内的所有人和所有事来说,今年都是奇怪的一年. So, this year’s end-of-year to-do list is a little weird, too.

帮助我们了解今年有什么不同,以及我们可以获得的一些独特的机会, we sat down with Dee Gray, 客户服务专员 Rea & Associates. 我们讨论了COVID-19病假工资和可用的抵免, as well as W2 reporting, Employee Retention Credit, 社会保障延期的选择-雇主和雇员-和W2问题涉及到雇员延期.

What You’ll Hear

  • COVID-19病假工资及其对W-2报告的影响
  • 员工保留信用的影响
  • Social security deferral options and the potential issues involved

Learn More

Doug Houser Interviews Dee Gray | Payroll 2020 | Ohio Business Podcast

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