Tax Changes | Impact Of A New Administration | Ohio CPA 公司-安全的赌博软件


Discover what Tax Changes the Biden Administration could push through over the next few years and how it could impact small- to mid-sized businesses. ——意图 & 俄亥俄州注册会计师事务所

Biden Administration Tax Changes Could Impact Your Short- And Long-Term Strategies

When a new President takes office, there are always changes business owners need to pay attention to – especially when the new President is from a different political party than their predecessor. When President Biden took office in January, the change in power came with a whole slew of policy changes – many of which are tax changes.

Some of these changes have already been enacted, while others have been mentioned and could be on the horizon. This article will provide a brief overview of what tax changes we already know about and what tax changes could be coming to individuals and business owners soon.


Employee Retention Tax Credit – This is a refundable and/or non-refundable tax credit against certain employment taxes equal to 50% of qualified wages. In order for employers to take advantage of this credit in 2021, they must have either suspended business operations (fully or partially) due to a COVID-19 shutdown order or have a 20% or greater decline in gross receipts compared to the same quarter of 2019 or the immediately preceding quarter. Eligibility requirements differ between 2020 and 2021, and there are other items that must be considered when evaluating the applicability of this credit.

  • 信用值:
    • Up to $5,000 per employee per year in 2020 (50% of wages up to $10,000)
    • Up to $7,000 per employee per quarter in 2021 (70% of wages up to $10,000)

〇太阳能税收优惠 For individuals and business owners who are considering taking advantage of the federal solar tax credit, be prepared for those tax credits to decrease, beginning with the 2020 tax year. The phase-down schedule is as follows:

  • 26% in 2020
  • 22% in 2021
  • 10% business, and 22% residential in 2022

Charitable Donations Deduction – For those of you who make charitable donations throughout the year, here are the following tax changes you can plan to experience:

  • 对个人: a maximum deduction up to 100% (up from 60%) of adjusted gross income. There is also a $300 above-the-line deduction for those who do not itemize.
  • 公司: the deduction for charitable donations was increased to 25% (up from 10%) of taxable income.

听...... 集273, “Busy Season Just Got Busier: Tax Updates, Deadlines, & 拜登的计划” 不适合在意图电台播放,意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件’ award-winning weekly 播客 for business owners.

Potential Tax Changes For Individuals

While we don’t have confirmation that the following tax changes will indeed take place, we’ve heard enough chatter in the industry to suspect that these individual tax changes are on the horizon.

  • Individuals making more than $400,000 may see a tax rate increase to 39.6%(从37%上升).
  • For individuals making more than $400,000, there may be a cap at 28% on itemized deductions.
  • There may be increased capital gains rates and qualified dividends rates for taxpayers making more than $1 million – possibly up to 39.6%.
  • There could be a phase-out of the Qualified Business Income Deduction for taxpayers with taxable income over $400,000.
  • The First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit could return, which would provide up to a $15,000 credit for qualified first-time homebuyers.
  • Under President Biden’s 社会 Security tax proposal, individuals with 社会 Security income up to $142,到2021年,800人将被征税, 年收入在142美元之间的,800美元和400美元,000 would not have any additional 社会 Security tax, and those who make over $400,000 would be subject to additional 社会 Security tax.

Potential Changes For Estate and Inheritance Taxes

  • The government could eliminate step-up basis rules that currently apply to 继承的资产. 而不是, heirs would receive carryover basis on 继承的资产, which would lead to higher capital gains (and tax) upon sale.
  • The lifetime exclusion amount for tax-free gifts could be reduced from $11.7 million per individual to $3.500万年.
  • There could be an increase to the highest marginal estate tax rate to 45% (up from 40%).

For further information on how these tax changes – or potential tax changes – could impact you, 你的家人, 还有你的生意, please reach out to your 意图 business advisor. Our team is well-equipped to help you navigate these changes and more.

By 本·弗洛斯,注册会计师 (新费城会计师事务所)

By Joss Celuch, CPA (新费城会计师事务所)

This article was featured in the Spring 2021 edition of Plain & 简单的,意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件’ quarterly print publication for small- to mid-sized businesses throughout the Plain community. If you would like to subscribe to this newsletter, click the button below.