Cybersecurity & Data Protection Services | Business Security | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

Cybersecurity & Data Protection Services

Protecting Your Data, Protecting Your Business

网络安全服务如何工作|数据保护|俄亥俄州注册会计师事务所我们致力于为需要解决客户网络安全需求的中小型和中型市场企业提供服务, compliance, or security concerns; and we do so by implementing our proven three-phase IGNITE™ strategy to address each stage in your cybersecurity development journey.

MyISO: Small Monthly Rate, Big Time Protection

您的组织现在可以立即从资深和熟练的信息安全专业人员那里获得答案. 当您利用这个独家的基于订阅的ISO服务时, starting at $199/month, 您将随时获得专家的见解和信息. Additionally, 订阅者将获得我们完整的网络安全和数据保护服务以及专业小时费率的大幅折扣.

Any time. Any question. Any need. One monthly cost. Contact us today to learn more.

Take Your Cybersecurity & Data Protection Framework To The Next Level

在您的业务中启动网络安全和数据保护框架, we begin by conducting the discovery of your stored data assets, scan for vulnerabilities, 制定风险评估以及政策和程序. After you’re up-and-running, 我们将努力实现基于saas的全文件证据存储. 最后,建立可重复的流程来帮助您专注于持续的成功.

Client Service | Cybersecurity & Data Protection | Ohio Cybersecurity Business

How We Serve Our 安全的赌博软件

  • Information & Cybersecurity – 我们带来了丰富的信息风险和网络安全经验. Our team is fully equipped to assist you with data assessments, threat assessments, risk assessments, vulnerability scanning, policy and procedure development, general and application security, and more.
  • Policy Drafting – 有效地进行网络安全和数据保护工作, 至关重要的是,您的整个组织应该理解为什么实施健全的合规性和网络安全结构如此重要. We can help. 我们的团队可以代表贵组织协助制定政策. In doing so, 你可以自由地专注于提高你的底线,而不必担心违规或罚款.
  • Comprehensive GRC Reporting – Rea的网络安全和数据保护服务团队拥有必要的工具,为您提供数据驱动, real-time governance, risk, 和合规性(GRC)信息,以支持您的网络安全流程的运营管理.
  • Control Data Mapping – 在战略合规解决方案提供商Etactics的帮助下, we are able to easily map controls associated with the biggest regulations using the K2 GRC tool; and InfoGPS Networks, 一款正在申请专利的软件,用于跟踪敏感的组织数据资产.
  • SOCNOC Advisory Services – 我们克服了挑战,承受了安全运营中心(SOC)和网络运营中心(NOC)创建的压力,并从另一边走了出来. We want to share our experience with you.
  • Vulnerability & Penetration Testing – Offered onsite or via the cloud with fast installation, 我们的“渗透测试人员”团队可以提供基于项目的“连续监控”,以确保持续的治理. 我们的威胁和漏洞管理服务旨在帮助您创建和实施有效和主动的安全程序.
  • Physical Security Assessments – 需要评估现有的安全措施,以保护资产免受威胁? 物理安全评估可以发现物理安全状态中的漏洞,这些漏洞最终会绕过组织的网络安全控制.
  • Vendor Management/Third-Party Risk/Selection Assistance – 供应商会影响您交付、经常使用和/或存储有价值的市场数据以执行合同服务的能力. But, in doing so, this practice opens your business up to risk. In fact, even though breaches are often determined to be vendor-based, it is your company that pays the price for their negligence. 正确管理供应商关系的风险/收益可以促进问责制. 我们可以建立一个审查结构,最终将把大量的工作从你的盘子.
  • Data Discovery, Classification Exposure Monitoring – This is the only data tool you need to provide same-day results, discovery without data exposure, and true “classify-on-the-fly” scoring. This unique service effectively supports your risk expenditures, focuses your auditing and control efforts, 并且主动通知管理层可能隐藏在现有控制结构之外的网络安全责任. And for managed service providers, 这项服务可以被标记为白色标签,并用于在约定之前节省多达25%的信息收集.

 我们的工作是保护您的信息资产,防止数据丢失或利用您的网络窃取他人的数据. As the only firm to require a nonpublic data mapping, we stand out when it comes to our effectiveness, informed decision making, and value-driven reporting.

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer | Cybersecurity & Data Protection Services | Ohio Cybersecurity BusinessVirtual Chief Information Security Officer

IT和IT运营可能占您预算的很大一部分, to be effective, they must run well. From personnel matters to vendor selection, network stability, and best practices, 公司的首席信息官负责做出明智的决策和健全的业务管理. That’s a lot of pressure. Fortunately, Rea的网络安全和数据保护服务团队拥有超过20年的经验,可以通过在您需要的地方(和时间)投入特定的时间和资源,减轻这位高职能高管的费用压力. When you deploy Virtual CISO, 你可以获得全职专业人员的所有经验, at a fraction of the cost.

Contact Us

We understand that your cybersecurity situation is unique, which is why we handle inquiries on a case-by-case basis. 各组织在网络安全方面的预算水平差别很大. 我们的方法要求我们对组织的习惯有更深入的了解, complexity, prior efforts, and general management expectations. As a rule of thumb, 网络安全和合规工作应该是基于风险的,并足以确保您采取必要的预防措施来保护您的组织每天使用的敏感数据

Contact us 安排免费咨询,为您提供量身定制的解决方案,以解决您的特定网络安全问题. Or, click here to request your free cybersecurity assessment.

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